Monday, February 8, 2010


Cabbage -- 2 cups (chopped)

Asafoetida -- 1/2 teaspoon
Coconut -- 1/4 cup
Cumin seeds -- 1/2 teaspoon
Ginger -- 1/2 inch
Carom seeds -- 1/2 teaspoon
Red chilli powder -- 1 teaspoon

Chickpea flour (besan) -- 3/4 cup
Rice flour -- 1/4 cup
Oil for deep frying

Green chillies -- 2
Coriander leaves -- 1 small bunch
Onion -- 2 (medium)
Lemon juice -- 1 tablespoon

Chop green chillies, coriander leaves and onion finely. Add it to the chopped cabbage.

Grind coconut with all the spices into a coarse powder without adding water.
Add it to the cabbage . Add salt and lemon juice, and mix all the ingredients nicely.

Now slowly sprinkle a little besan and rice flour on the cabbage and mix nicely. Continue this process until cabbage has enogh flour to hold it together when shaped into a small ball.

Heat oil in/a deep frying pan. Make small balls from the dough , flatten it slightly and deep fry on medium heat, until pakodas are golden brown on both sides.

Serve hot withtomato sauce or any chutney of your choice.

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