Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Cucumber -- 3-4 (small)

Coconut -- 4-5 tablespoons(grated)
Amchur -- 1 teaspoon
Sugar -- 1/2 teaspoon
salt -- to taste

Coconut oil -- 2 teaspoons
Split black gram (Urad dal) -- 3/4 teaspoon
Green chilli -- 1 (chopped)
Red chilli -- 1 (broken)
Sun dried curd chilli -- 1 (broken)
Curry leaves -- few
Mustard seeds -- 1/2 teaspoon
Sesame seeds -- 1/2 teaspoon

Finely chop cucumber. Add salt, sugar, coconut and amchur to the cucumber.

Heat oil and cook urad dal until light brown. Add the chillies and curry leaves. Fry for a minute. Finally add mustard seeds and sesame seeds. Pour it over the cucumber mixture once the mustard and sesame seeds start crackling.

Mix all the ingredients nicely. Crush the chillies if u like it hot.

Serve immediately.

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