Monday, November 30, 2009


Milk (full fat)-- 1 liter (around 4 cups)
Sugar -- 1/4 Kg (1 cup)
Cardamom powder -- freshly ground from 2-3 pods

Take milk in a wide, thick bottomed pan. Heat it on medium heat.
Keep stirring the milk continuously.

If you take a thick bottomed pan then it is okay to stir it every 2-3 minutes until the milk is reduced to half the amount.

If the pan is not thick the milk will stick to the bottom and burn easily. So be careful when choosing the pan.

Once the milk is thick and about 1/2 liter in quantity, lower the heat and keep stirring the milk more often.

When the milk is reduces to 1/4 of a liter, (1 cup) (it starts to become thick and starts bubbling without forming the film on top) add the sugar and freshly crushed cardamom powder.

Keep stirring the mixture. Once the sugar is added it should be mixed continuously.

Once the mixture starts leaving the pan, upturn it on a greased (with ghee) plate. Let it cool down. Once it is of bearable temperature, make the pedas. (pedas will have a smoother finish if it is done when it is slightly warm)

You can make 15-18 medium sized pedas with 1 liter milk. It takes about 3 1/2 - 4 hours to finish making pedas.

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