Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Rice (use the dosa rice for better taste)-- 2 cups
Coconut -- 1/4 cup(grated)
Salt to taste

Wash and soak rice for 8-10 hours.
Grind it with the coconut into a very fine paste. (grind it with less water. you can add more later.) Add salt and water as required.

This dosa batter is very watery. The trick is to get the correct consistency. you should be able to pour it easily with a spoon on the tawa. If the water is more the dosa will stick to the tawa so try before adding more water.

Now pour the batter on a hot tawa. Cover and cook it for 1 minute.
This dosa is usually cooked on only one side and folded inside out to prevent it from sticking to the plate.

Serve hot with chutney.

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