Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This is the classic havyaka breakfast dish. It is prepared in every household in my native as breakfast almost everyday.

Traditionally mangalore cucumber is used for this dish.

Rice -- 1 cup
Cucumber -- 1 small
Salt to taste

Soak rice for 6-8 hours.

Roughly chop cucumber (with or without skin). Now grind together cucumber and rice into a smooth paste. Add salt. This batter can be used fresh without fermentation.

Making this dosa is very tricky. Take spoonful of batter and pour it at the edge of the griddle. Spread it out thinly using a hard carton paper. (Folded banana leaf is used to spread the batter.) Dosa is made paper thin.
Cover and cook it for half a minute.

Since this dosa is very thin it doesn't require to be cooked on the other side.
Serve it hot with chutney.

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